Developers are just Tradesmen – aren’t they?

Developers are just Tradesmen – aren’t they?

So, I’ve been thinking about this for some time now and discussing it on and off with various people and seeing blog posts about this framework, or that library being the ‘one to use’, and the next big thing etc and I keep thinking “well, this isn’t right… Developers are just Tradesmen… aren’t they?”

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How to get PHP and Kafka to Play Nicely (and not do it slowly!)

How to get PHP and Kafka to Play Nicely (and not do it slowly!)

So, recently we made the decision to move over to a complete ELK stack set up to handle our Massive Data storage solutions. As part of this change, we introduced a streaming message system called Kafka in to our setup – an easy task, some may think… alas not but I got there!…

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Flat Packed Functions

Flat Packed Functions

Okay, so this is more of a design thought process than anything specific (and not an actual list of functions provided by IKEA or MFI for the older generation) but I thought I’d share something with you I come across quite a lot when reviewing code, pull requests and looking at others work, and that’s what I’ve affectionately called the Flat Pack Function (or lack of).

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Automatic Host Routing using NGINX and Vagrant on OS X


Okay, so when I was running a LAMP stack in the early days of development, one of my biggest gripes was creating VHOSTS every time I wanted to test a new framework, or develop a new app etc. I know it’s not a massive chore, but it’s enough of a chore for me to think twice about testing something.

When I moved to NGINX things were pretty much the same – which annoyed me even more. I thought “there must be a better and easier way of doing this!” and there is…

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Creating an Aerospike Vagrant Cluster for Development


After a lot of looking around and what not trying to set up a local Vagrant Aerospike Cluster for testing, I decided to just crack on and do it myself – so I thought I’d share the methodology here in case anyone else is looking for the same set up…

All this was done on OS X (El Capitan) – I’m pretty sure most of it would transfer to another OS as there’s nothing Mac specific involved but as I haven’t tested it, you may need to tweak a few things.

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